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Solidaridad con el pueblo kurdo - turco y con el tren de la paz

La Comision de Derechos Humanos del Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru, 
en nombre de los 
hombres y mujeres que desde los andes y la amazonia peruana aspiramos y 
luchamos por alcanzar la paz 
con justicia social que merecen todos los seres humanos. 

El pueblo kurdo al igual que el pueblo andino, sufre durante muchos ańos la 
opresión colonial contra su 
cultura y el derecho a la libre autodeterminación que le corresponde como a 
cualquier otro pueblo del 

Asi lo entendieron las diversas delegaciones de derechos humanos, de hombres 
y mujeres que aspiran a 
vivir en paz  y armonía, respetando la decision de cada grupo humano de 
desarrollar, su propia cultura, 
lengua y costumbres. El motivo de la movilización tenia un caracter 
estrictamente pacifico y la busqueda 
de soluciones pacificas a la problemática kurda, sin embargo, el gobierno 
Turco, en una muestra de 
autoritarismo, que nada tiene que ver con la aspiracion democratica de su 
pueblo, no solo cierra las 
posibilidades de un intento de soluciones pacificas, sino que emulando 
regimenes fascistas o como el del 
tristemente celebre Fujimori en el Peru, ha detenido, maltratado y vejado la 
dignidad de luchadores por la 

El gobierno turco debe tener presente que el autoritarismo conduce a la 
dictadura y al asesinato que lo 
aislara como al dictador peruano, quien luego de la horrenda masacre en la 
residencia del embajador 
japones toca fondo, siendo repudiado por el pueblo peruano y la comunidad 
internacional y es recibido 
con manifestaciones de repudio en los pueblos del mundo.

Condenamos la represion del gobierno turco contra el tren de paz y 
solidaridad con el pueblo kurdo, por 
que es viola de los mas elementales derechos del hombre, de asociacion y de 
expresion. Reiteramos 
nuestro convencimiento de que en este mundo globalizado a los pobres del 
mundo solo nos queda la 
solidaridad militante entre nosotros.

Contra el neocolonialismo y contra el neoliberalismo :


Solidarity With The Kurdish-Turkish People And With The Peace Train!

     From the Human Rights Commission of the Tupac Amaru
Revolutionary Movement, in the name of the men and women who from
the Andes and the Peruvian Amazon aspire and struggle to achieve
the peace with social justice that all human beings deserve.
     The Kurdish people, like the Andean people, have suffered
for many years colonial oppression against their culture and the
right to free self-determination that belongs to them as to any
other people of the world.
     This was the understanding of the diverse human rights
delegations of the "peace train", men and women who aspire to
live in peace and harmony, respecting the decision of each human
group to develop its own culture, language, and customs. The
mobilization had a strictly peaceful character and its purpose
was the search for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.
     Nevertheless, the Turkish government, in a show of
authoritarianism that has nothing to do with the democratic
aspirations of its people, not only closed the possibilities of
an attempt at peaceful solutions, but also, emulating fascist
regimes or like that of the sadly famous Fujimori in Peru, has
detained, mistreated, and heaped indignities on fighters for
     The Turkish government ought to keep in mind that
authoritarianism leads to dictatorship and murder, which will
isolate it like the Peruvian dictator Fujimori, who, following
the horrible massacre in the residence of the Japanese
ambassador, has touched bottom, repudiated by the Peruvian people
and the international community and who has received
demonstrations of repudiation from the peoples of the world.
     We condemn the repression of the Turkish government against
the peace train and those in solidarity with the Kurdish people,
because it violates the most basic human rights of free
association and expression. We reiterate our conviction that in
this globalized world there remains to the poor of the world only
the militant solidarity among ourselves.

Against Neo-Colonialism And Against Neo-Liberalism!
Solidarity And Internationalism With The Kurdish People!

Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
August 1997

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