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Union Del Barrio Solidarity Statement To The MRTA

To the people of Peru
To the people of Mexico
To the people of Latin America
To the International Community

     In light of the recent developments in Lima Peru in regards
to the Japanese ambassador's mansion occupation by the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA); we Union del Barrio - as a
Mexican Revolutionary Nationalist formation within the occupied
territories (also known as the Southwestern United States) of
Mexico, struggling for the national liberation and re-unification
of our lands - see the massacre carried out against the MRTA by
the Alberto Fujimori - U.S. backed dictatorship - on April 22,
1997, as a campaign of genocide against our people who only seek
justice, liberty and democracy.
     It is evident through the Fujimori government's actions that
they only understand the use of force and violence. It is for
this exact reason that the MRTA had chosen the path of
revolutionary armed struggle. The miserable living conditions in
the form of poverty, the lack of medical services for the
Peruvian population, the hunger that plagues its indigenous
population and the repression on the part of the Fujimori'
government against those who have the courage to struggle against
these injustices only proves to the poor working and unemployed
people throughout the world that the imperialist, neo-liberal
policies of the United States and other capitalist countries
leave the people of Peru with no other option but to raise the
tools of liberation.
     Union del Barrio in it's 15 years of struggle for the
national liberation of the Mexican people in the occupied
territories understands clearly that these attacks are the
product of the growing crisis of the capitalist economy. It is
because of this crisis that today we see the United States'
special military forces in places like Peru, precisely because
economic interests are at stake.
     It is evident on this 22nd day of April that the
counterinsurgency against the poor oppressed people of Latin
America are kept under a state of siege not even able to voice
their disgust for the government's economic neo-liberal policies.
It was the objective of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement to
attempt to liberate their comrades who where in prison for
political reason that the occupation of the Japanese Embassy took
place to begin with. Therefore with regards to the disregard for
human life and human suffering, the Fujimori regime has shown its
colors of brutal military rule in front of the whole world;
exposing exactly to what extent his government is willing to go
to silence, destroy and repress the voice of the Peruvian people
and their struggle for democracy, peace and justice.
     It is with the understanding that not Fujimori, Zedillo,
Menem nor any other puppet neo-colonialist government will stifle
the revolutionary march towards freedom and independence from
capitalism that the struggling peoples of the Americas is
currently waging. We fundamentally understand that history has
chosen its course. With the rise of repression against the people
of Peru, Mexico, Argentina and the rest of the colonized world,
we have chosen to support the struggle of the MRTA as a global
struggle for peace liberty and self-determination for the
liberation of our lands, resources and labor for a free and
independent indigenous people of this hemisphere.
     With revolutionary honor, grace and humility the comrades of
the MRTA have fallen victims to the same imperialist beast that
has taken our lands; to the same imperialist force that denies us
dignity, freedom and justice. It is for this reason that we
recognize the struggle of the MRTA as a just and legitimate
struggle for the international liberation against imperialist
domination. The struggle of the fallen comrades in the Japanese
Embassy still lives and will continue to live under the Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement. It is for this reason that the
Revolutionary movements of all of Latin America with the EZLN and
the EPR in Mexico, and the MRTA in Peru will continue to be a
struggle that shall persist until its final victory.

Long Live the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement!
Long Live the Struggle For Freedom, Justice and Peace!


Central Committee of Union del Barrio


Al Pueblo de Peru
Al Pueblo de Mexico
A los Pueblos de America Latina
A los Pueblos del Mundo

     En respuesta a los cruentos actos que se sucitaron entre
fuerzas del gobierno peruano e integrantes del Movimiento
Revolucionario Tupac Amaru, en la mansion del embajador japones
en Lima, Peru este martes, 22 de abril de 1997. Desde este rincon
olvidado latinoamericano, los Territorios Ocupados Mexicanos,
absorvidos por el gobierno racista de los Estados Unidos en 1848,
Union del Barrio, organizacion que lucha por la liberacion
nacional mexicana, repudia energicamente la violencia con la cual
actuo el gobierno neo-liberal asesino de Alberto Fujimori para
resolver la crisis de la embajada japonesa.
     No queda duda de que el gobierno imperialista de Estados
Unidos tomaron parte en el salvajismo contra los companeros del
MRTA. De igual manera, no queda duda alguna de que el gobierno
fascistoide neo-liberal de Fujimori prefiere protejer intereses
extranjeros que resolver la miseria, el olvido, la explotacion y
el hambre en la cual viven los hermanos peruanos, victimas del
imperialismo y el proyecto neo-liberal.
     Fujimori prefirio la masacre que cumplir las demandas justas
del MRTA. Mientras que la prensa reporta de que todos los
integrantes del MRTA que se encontraban dentro de la embajada
fueron acribillados, reconocemos que el ideal por la justicia, la
verdadera democracia y la liberacion nacional por la cual lucho,
lucha, y seguira luchando el MRTA siguen vigentes en todos los
rincones Latino Americanos.
     El gobierno de Fujimori, mostro su rostro horripelante al
mundo entero, su cobardia y su actitud demente. El gobierno de
Fujimori es el asesino yaque el MRTA respeto la vida de los
rehenes, mientras que Fujimori no mostro ningun respeto por la
vida humana. El pueblo del Peru al parecer no tiene ya opciones
de dialogo con el gobierno asesino de Fujimori y sus aliados
capitalistas. Fujimori a cerrado las puertas al pueblo del Peru,
por lo tanto todas las formas de resitencia y auto-defensa del
pueblo peruano se justifican.
     En evidencia queda, en este dia de duelo para todos los
hombres, mujeres y ninos de nuestra America, de que el plan
salvaje neo-liberal, encabezado por el imperio estadounidense
esta con la espalda contra la pared. Ya que no solo en Peru, sino
tambien en nuestra patria, Mexico y los Territorios Ocupados
Mexicanos se lucha contra el mismo enemigo que combate el MRTA.
Con el Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional, el Ejercito
Popular Revolucionario y demas organizaciones guerrilleras y
populares el pueblo mexicano en ambos lados de la frontera
impuesta por el imperialismo yanqui no descansaremos hasta lograr
la verdadera justicia, la democracia y la liberacion nacional y
hasta no ver destruido el neo-liberalismo que acecha nuestro
     Ni Fujimori, ni Zedillo, ni Menem, ni ningun titere yanqui
que gobierna nuestros pueblos podran detener el proceso
revolucionario de la liberacion nacional y las reivindicaciones
de los pueblos latinoamericanos. Todos los latinoamericanos
tenemos que levantar la bandera de los gloriosos combatientes del
MRTA que cayeron en manos del imperialismo. A continuar con la
lucha anti-imperialista y libertaria en la America Latina.
     Hermanos del Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru, desde
aca, desde dentro de la gran bestia imperial, de la cual somos
victimas los mexicanos, les entregamos todo el apoyo, todo el
poder y todo el honor. No han muerto camaradas, su legado seguira
con nosotros.

Viva el Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru!
Viva la lucha por la Libertad, Justicia y Paz!


Comite Central-Union del Barrio

Union del Barrio
P.O. Box 620095
San Diego, Califas
92162 (USA)

Honor To The Martyrs Of The Edgar Sanchez Commando!
Tupac Amaru Lives! The Struggle Continues!
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